Clarence Coast Dragon Boat Club have completed their first Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser at Grafton on Saturday. The club has competed many BBQs over the past few years but Saturday’s certainly tested more than barbeque and ‘meet and greet’ skills. As the skies darkened and opened with a deluge of rain, the crew’s wet weather contingency plan unfolded! Graham’s innovative prowess came to the fore as the roof of the two marquess became heavy with rainwater and the threat of the rooves caving in became apparent. The stepladder was quickly seized and Graham began the ongoing process of moving to the eight corners of 2 marquees to lift the roof sufficiently to let the water run free. This proved effective for a short period but the heavy rain continued and Graham’s thought processes had to change as water was now coming in and on to the BBQ. Whilst Wayne quickly whipped the sausages and onions off the BBQ, he then held the bucket as Graham manoeuvred the chairs to the top of the BBQ lid lifting the roof sufficiently to allow the water to run free. Sue & Lesley continued to play chess with the serving tables, bread and serviettes in an effort to find a dry area. As the rain front moved on after 30 mins, we all were somewhat wetter but were ready to serve the customers as they ventured out again. As the subsequent shifts arrived, they were all amazed of our ingenuity and knew what to do when the next downpour arrived. For such a wet day, we still served many happy customers and enjoyed the banter answering the SMH Quiz in the quiet moments. Thank you, quizmaster Gavin, the new Tom Gleeson for the Clarence Valley… surely you will be nominated for the Gold Logie!!
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What a fabulous way to start the day with a dragon boat paddle on the Clarence River. Two boats were launched at Brushgrove Boat Ramp followed by breakfast at Brushgrove Pub.
The two crews assembled at the boat ramp at 7.30am amidst lots of laughs as both Clarence Coast and Grafton caught up with old friends. The conditions were perfect, no wind, no other watercraft, overcast skies and both boats keen to test their skills against old foes. Tracey, from Grafton took both crews through a training program designed to refine paddling techniques after our extended break over Christmas. We paddled forward and backwards, paddles upside down and mock races over 30 seconds. The banter and competitive nature of some ensured lots of laughs. The new paddlers for both clubs certainly enjoyed paddling on another part of the Clarence River. A huge thank you to Brushgrove Pub who served a great breakfast and coffee to 38 hungry people. Both clubs would welcome any new arrivals to the Clarence Valley to come and join us and improve their fitness and strength and meet new friends. We have coaches and experienced paddlers willing to offer advice and support. Come and give it a try! Go to our websites or for contact details We are back on the water and loving it!! CCDBC returned to the water after our Christmas break with enthusiasm. The first session was to revisit the very important safety drills to ensure all paddlers are familiar with safety calls, medical issues and possible capsize.
Under the guidance of Safety Officers Ree and Chris, all paddlers had the opportunity to practice the use of ‘the stirrup’ to re-enter the boat after a capsize. The drill proved extremely effective as one voice took control and instructed all paddlers on the boat how to stabilise the boat. The sweep then reassured those in the water of how to use the stirrup to re-enter safely into the boat. Following the mock capsize, paddlers hit the water for a 50m swim and 10mins tread water. Both safety drills and debrief not only gave paddlers confidence that they would be able to remain safe and calm in an emergency situation but also confidence for our sweeps who take control of the boat in an emergency. The final half hour was to complete the annual boat and trailer maintenance under the watchful eye of Brendan & Chez. |
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