The next General Meeting will be on the 22nd April, 2017. This will be the last General Meeting before the AGM on the 29th July, 2017. It is now time to think about standing for one of the positions on the Board for the 2017/2018 year. The Board has seven positions, President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Ordinary members. Nomination forms for these positions will be emailed to you all at the end of June, 2017.
We have received, now in the bank, the $5000 awarded to us from NSW Local Sports Grant to put towards a new boat. A new boat is $11700 delivered to our door step and the order has gone in. A shipment of boats for Auschamp is on its way from China and we should have ours mid May if all goes to plan. This is very exciting and even though our old boat has served us well you will all notice the difference when you train in a nice shiny new one. Still not enough numbers to send a team to Urunga. This is a great regatta and lots of fun. If you haven’t put your name down and would like to go please either add your name to the website or let Dot know. The next club luncheon will be Thursday 20th April, 2017 and will be at the Harwood Hotel. If you would like to attend please let me know as I will be organising this one. There will be a coaching course on the 20th and 21st May, 2017 at Mylstrom. The course will be run by Mary Davis from Ballina. If you are interested in doing this go to the DBNSW website – Events –Event Calendar to find out further information. Gail
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