The new year has begun well with plenty of paddlers at each training session and good efforts being put in by everyone in the boat. Let's keep the momentum going and work hard towards improving our regatta performances this year. We look like attending four local (North Coast) regattas and maybe one further afield. It would be great if we could enter a mixed team at each regatta as well as a women's team. It is possible now that we are building our male membership, so let's keep working on that too.
Our social luncheon in February will be at the Pacific Hotel, Yamba on Thursday 18th at 12 noon. Dot is organizing this, so please let her know if you are intending to come. We all enjoyed the January get-together at Ferry Park - thanks Steph for organising. The club will again have a table at View Club's celebration of International Women's Day. If you haven't attended this event before you are strongly encouraged to do so. It will be held at Yamba Bowling Club on Friday 11th March from 9.00 till 2.30. Lesley Stevens is the person to speak to about securing a place. The cost is $25 and includes lunch. The Yamba triathlon and fun run is being held on the weekend of 27th and 28th February. Dot has been sending out information about how to sign on as a volunteer worker for this event. This has been a valuable fund-raiser for us in the past so please consider entering your name as a volunteer and encourage others to do so under our club banner. A Board meeting was held on Thursday 28th January and the minutes of that meeting have been sent out to all members. There will be a General meeting on Saturday 6th February at Yamba Bowling Club starting at 10.15, after paddling. Everyone is encouraged to attend and have a say in the way that our club is run, as all the work done is for the benefit of the members. Your ideas are valued. If any member has an item that they would like included on our News page, please email it to Chris McPherson. Chuckle time: Murphy drops some buttered toast on the kitchen floor and it lands butter-side-up. He looks down in astonishment, for he knows it's a law of the universe that buttered toast always falls butter-down. So he rushes round to the presbytery to fetch Father Flanagan. He tells the priest that a miracle has occurred in his kitchen. He won't say what it is, but asks Fr. Flanagan to come and see it with his own eyes. He leads Fr.Flanagan into the kitchen and asks him what he sees on the floor. "Well," says the priest, "it's pretty obvious. Someone has dropped some buttered toast on the floor and then, for some reason, they flipped it over so that the butter was on top." "No, Father, I dropped it and it landed like that!" exclaimed Murphy. "Oh my Lord," says Fr. Flanagan, "Dropped toast never falls with the butter side up. It's a mir…. Wait... it's not for me to say it's a miracle. I'll have to report this matter to the Bishop and he'll have to deal with it. He'll send some people round; to interview you, take photos, etc." A thorough investigation is conducted, not only by the archdiocese but by scientists sent over from the Curia in Rome. No expense is spared. There is great excitement in the town as everyone knows that a miracle will bring in much needed tourism revenue. Then, after 8 long weeks and with great fanfare, the Bishop announces the final ruling. "It is certain that some kind of an extraordinary event took place in Murphy's kitchen, quite outside the natural laws of the universe. Yet the Holy See must be very cautious before ruling a miracle. All other explanations must be ruled out. " "Unfortunately, in this case, it has been declared 'No Miracle' because they think Murphy may have buttered the toast on the wrong side!"
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